All NEW Guide to Customer Journey Mapping

Our 31-page Guide to Customer Journey Mapping is available to download here, free.
Your free ALL NEW Guide to Customer Journey Mapping

Our NEW guide to Customer Journey Mapping shows how to deliver successful customer journey mapping projects and tangible business benefits

Our all NEW Guide to Customer Journey Mapping is designed to help those responsible for delivering a mapping project.  It will give them a detailed understanding of best practice so they can set appropriate expectations internally.  It also provides detailed information on what to expect, what works and what doesn’t so they are better equipped to run a project on their own.

The guide is free to download and keep. Download your guide here.

This comprehensive, 31 page guide shows, step by step, how to successfully map a customer journey and how to deliver change as result of the mapping.  It is divided into three sections:

  1. Before you start mapping
  2. How to map
  3. Turning maps into profit

You will find out about the four things you need to know before you start mapping, the five stages that most successful mapping projects follow and how to turn the insights you generate from mapping into greater customer satisfaction, higher conversion, retention, recommendation and a reduced cost to serve.

It includes the key facts you will need to help you gain approval for your project.  The guide also covers the most important aspects of human behaviour you should use to inform your customer journey project.  You will find images of different types of map plus many examples and tips of how to avoid pitfalls and how to improve the quality of your output.

Of course, it’s impossible to include everything we’ve learnt doing this for large and small companies from every sector.  So, if you have questions and would like to know more please do contact us.  We’re happy to share relevant experience and to talk through challenges you face, at no cost or obligation.  Getting a little independent expert advice at the start of a project is probably the single most important thing you can do to improve the impact your mapping project will have.


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