Death; a bad experience made worse

Many people choose, freely or otherwise, to handle the Estate of a deceased friend or relative themselves. Invariably, this results in stress and frustration for Executors during what is an already difficult and emotional time.

Anecdotal evidence suggests that central government agencies, local councils, utilities, associations and financial services providers all struggle to strike the right balance between sympathy and efficiency. Stories abound of duplicated condolences, numerous letters or reminders addressed to the deceased, offers of new or ‘revised’ services, payments addressed to the deceased and an apparently widespread inability to accept and record the fact that a (former) customer has died.

Setting aside the stress and inconvenience for Executors and family members, the potential damage to brand and future relationships/business from friends and family is a real and present side effect. Organisations of all types must improve their responses and their services if they are to remain true to their values, service ambitions and, in some cases, regulatory responsibility.

The Customer Journey Consultancy has developed a package specifically to address these issues, enabling organisations to better serve the needs of their (deceased) customers by reducing Executor effort and, as a secondary consideration, create the kind of relationship and experience with the Estate that, with sensitive handling, may create new business opportunities.

If you are interested in taking the first step, please contact us to discuss how a usability audit™ of your bereavement services might benefit your business.