Really useful CX resources

When we’re not doing all things CX, UX and Customer Journey Mapping we continue to add articles and useful resources to this website.  I thought I’d highlight just a few of the most popular items here.  Do read, download or bookmark them and let me know what you think.

Just because you said it doesn't mean they heard it.
Great Customer Expectations
5 ways to manage customer expectations
Small things can make an experience feel great, or terrible
Small things make a BIG difference to CX
Low cost and easy ways to create journeys that feel good and pay huge dividends.
Do your KPIs drive change or justify inaction?
How to present your CX KPIs to glvanise change.
Digital Exclusion/Digital Self Service
How should digital exclusion change your
digital transformation plans?
Drivers of CX in Public Sector services
CX and the public sector
Research by McKinsey looking at the CX of 140 public sector services in 7 countries.
Our New Guide to Customer Journey Mapping
A free 31-page step by step guide to successful customer journey mapping.
How to indentify potential stakeholders
Stakeholder engagement worksheet
A powerful but quick exercise that will help you improve Customer Journey project outcomes
Some of the things you might consider after a customer journey maping workshop
You’ve mapped customer journeys; what next?
5 things you should do after every mapping project.
Innovation changes customer journeys
Innovation and CX
Ensuring your Customer Journeys are fit for tomorrow